Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Alison and I decided, long before Steve joined us, that we should go to the Adelaide Festival and see a play. We had walked by the theatre via the River Torrens and also via North Terrace. It was a nice looking place with a lot of bright coloured flags, naturally, we were drawn in. So we looked up shows that were playing when Steve was with us, and we found Wicked. Neither of us had seen it before, so we thought, oh heck yes, let's get some tickets! The night of the show, we got all dressed up and made a nice dinner at home. We even had a glass or two of red wine. Classy, I know. The show itself was very good. The singers were awesome and the set was very cool, oh and I had (and have) songs stuck in my head all the time from it! I wasn't going to mention this, but we sat so far up in the back that we thought we should have brought our binoculars, but it was actually great! We were so caught up in the moment that we forgot to take any pictures, so I'm sorry for that! I hope you like reading about it just the same!

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