Sunday, April 3, 2011


Since the beginning of our stay in Adelaide, Alison and I have taken a real interest in Semaphore. There is a main street in Semaphore that goes down to the water of Gulf St. Vincent. The beach is very popular on Saturdays when dogs are allowed off their leads and are free to roam the sand and water. Steve (our homestay guy) took us to witness the dogs in action first Saturday that we were in Adelaide and I have to say that it was exciting for me, a human. The first time we went to Semaphore, we went in the warm and salty water for a swim. Since we've been back though, I haven't been in because I am a little paranoid of getting stung by a jellyfish or something. It's also getting a little cooler during the days and pretty 'cold' at night, so the water isn't refreshing anymore, it's kind of a cold shock with just my feet in! So, Alison and I come to the beach to lay in the sun and get ice cream, because let's be honest, no trip to the beach is the same without ice cream! My personal favourite is between boysenberry or cappuccino.

The beach itself has (mostly) white sand with spots of intense shell deposit. There is seaweed stuff everywhere and it sometimes looks like still tumbleweeds in a dessert. Semaphore is also very tidal, so we see the sand in varying amounts. The sand dunes on the beach are all protected with fences and there are signs warning about deteriorating dune conditions. Even though the fences are pretty ugly, the idea is wise and they have helped to keep the sand from eroding and to preserve some very important habitats for animals including snakes.. Yay, Semaphore! There is a nice boardwalk that has been populated with fishers every time we have been to the beach. The water is a nice blue colour - or you could get all technical and tell me that the sand is white so it reflects the colour of the sky very clearly. Either way, it is very pretty and I love it here. I think one time soon we are going to have to make a trip down for the sunset and get some nice pictures to share with everyone. Hopefully these give you a nice visual for now!

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