Tuesday, April 5, 2011


As some of you may know, Alison and I have another new friend here in Adelaide. His name is Marty and he is a lot of fun. We play fetch and footy and when we can't play with Marty, he amuses himself by putting all of toys into the pool and trying to get them out. He will do this for hours in the sun, and by the end of the day all he wants to do is come inside and watch movies with us. He will steal all the couch space - there is a strict two Marty cushions to one Emily cushion ratio. He is quite cuddly at times, which makes me think of Sandy and Molly at home, but others he just wants to play outside. Alison and I figured out a pretty funny trick.. If you take his toy and hold it and say Marty, talk to me, he will. He doesn't do the conventional 'speak', it is more of a quite grumbly-howl. It's funny and it will likely never get old! Anyway, here are a few pictures of our new friend Marty!

One of Marty's favourite balls .. and him waiting for me to throw it!

Marty and I on the couch

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