Thursday, February 24, 2011


Alright, so I know that I haven’t exactly been on top of my blog posting, but there has just been so much going on! These are my notes from the next few days that I am finally willing to share .. 
Today was another day on the bus on our way to Nelson. We got here fairly late so we unpacked and decided that from the Beach Hostel we would take a walk down to the Tahunanui Beach. This beach is pretty big, and as we will find out tomorrow, a very busy place! There are wake boarders, surf schools, sun bathers, and rescue trainers all over the beach during the day. 
During the day, Heather, Alison, and I visit with Heather’s friends Russ and Genevive. We went out to lunch in a restaurant that sits above the water and had one of our biggest meals yet. It was delicious! We drove around the city and to Panorama Drive in Nelson in Russ and Genevive’s rental car. We looked down on the city and sea and were feeling pretty good! That night, we went to Genevive’s family dinner, which was even more delicious! We had home made mango chicken and zucchini casserole with boysenberry and passionfruit ice cream for dessert. Mm mm! We drank coffee and talked with the family until the sun had set and we had to head home. So far, between meeting this family and Karen and John’s, I have the impression that the locals here in New Zealand are very happy, healthy, and loving people. It feels like they will do anything for me, even though I haven’t known them for more than two hours and a couple of days! 
Nelson from Panorama Drive
Russ, Heather, Genevive

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