Wednesday, March 23, 2011


While Alison and I were at Cleland Wildlife Park we saw a lot of different native animals, some iconic, others not so much. I think the Kangaroo is one of the first animals that is associated with the land down under. We got to see, touch, feed, pose, kiss, .. well pretty much hang out with the roos at this very open and natural wildlife park.

Food Please.

Pretty sure we've secured a good reputation for Canadians.

Crazy Kanga-Lady?
They loved our cameras. Maybe they thought they were full of food? 

Alright, let's bounce.
Think he's the bouncer? .. look at those arms!
Crouching Kanga Pose

All it takes is some food, and now we are friends.


  1. haha just wait until I post the crazy bird lady photo :)

  2. nice, we can just be known as the crazy canadians together!

  3. I can't get over all these kangaroos! So strange to me still.. great pictures!!
